
Product Reviews and More

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Intro to Product Reviews and More

Welcome to my blog page! If you're reading this, you are obviously a consumer connoisseur and love getting great deals, especially if they are free. But do you rave about those free or discounted products? I'm sorry, but some are not even worth telling your friends because they aren't worth the time and postage it cost to be delivered. Then there are those products that are just so wonderful and what sets them over the top wonderful is that you got them at a great price, discounted, promotional and/or, say it with me....FREE! 

I review products, typically ones that I've purchased or received from Amazon. I'm an Amazon junkie. This you will learn about me. Thanks to my BFF, she got me hooked. Now, not all products will be from Amazon. It could be products in general, every day use items that I may have gotten at Walmart, Target, Costco, etc. 

And the "more" in Product Reviews and More, is for anything random. I'm a random person. One minute I can be discussing the best oven mitt ever, the next could be some off  the wall TMZ issh. I'll try to keep it G-rated, but no promises. I'm very upfront and honest. So if you can't take the heat, get your you-know-what-out my kitchen. 

I value feed backs, so please comment or feel free to email me.